Preparing A Presentation


    Preparing a presentation can be a small hassle when attempting to construct it. Applying some essential keys to the concept of your message, will result with the desired objective for your audience. Within many minds of people, public speaking can be an obstacle, feeling overwhelmed by the audience’s attention towards your every move. Before going up on the stage, I tell myself, “I’m a rockstar without heavy metal and this platform will be mine for the moment to deliver a message, like a popular song”. Preparing a presentation, requires you to be to perform three major areas of “Roots of Rhetoric”. “Invention”, “Organization” and “Style”. Use these as way to always keep it simple and always relay your message.

            Invention is the goal and direction of what the presentation’s focal point is. You may be grasping the attention of the audience to either inform or persuade with opinions, facts, and statistics. “You have probably already given a presentation before just with information you already know about a particular subject or hobby. “An example would be my friend Jessica; she enjoys conversing with me of which brand is better for her skin care”. When constructing a topic, I believe you should be honest about it. Reinforce your subject with areas you feel confident to discuss. A speaker is always judged upon the matter of how well the information was enforced and retained. Knowing who your audience is can also condense information to be clear, concise, and direct. Are you talking to bunch of college students, a small workshop group, or an informal setting of peers? This highlights the message to meet the interest of that group enticing them to prioritize your message. I believe Ethos, Pathos, and Logos will be the main factors which complement the speech, like icing upon the cake. Ethos is usually the first to be criticized of the speaker from the audience. “Are you qualified to deliver this speech, do you have any experience or have gained knowledge that is deemed believable? Evidence of recognition, facts, and experience reinforce your statements. Your goal with ethos is to get the audience to trust you while establishing personal credentials. “Would you let a doctor perform treatment upon you without them explaining or providing paperwork?” Pathos is the target of using emotions, stories, inspirational quotes, and vivid language. Pathos is getting the audience to feel. “When someone can empathize with another, they are convinced without imploring. I believe that is what it means to be human. Logos is the logic and reasoning the audience uses when attempting to rationalize information. “Make sure to structure your speech with references of proof and evidence. This will enforce claims to your presentation.

            Organization is the arrangement and structure of a presentation. When organizing you want to have the introduction, the body and conclusion. The purpose of the introduction is to be the catalyst for the presentation enforcing the thesis statement or main idea. The body are your main focal points in which you want your audience to decipher and retain. As a speaker when constructing your main points, it is essential to properly order your evidence, so the body is arranged in proper key elements. The last part of the organization is conducted with the conclusion. A strong finish is always the route for the message. At times, the audience may not remember statements said within the speech but will surely remember how you started and ended a speech. “An example can be a mini-cross word puzzle enticing  your audience to remember key words.

            Style, a word which is unique to each presentation. It all is in the form of your communication. Style is the way in which we think of presenting ourselves to others, the way in which people say they are, want to be and feel opposed to. Communicating is variant in many scenarios and plethora of ways are effective. Sometimes presentations can be conducted in different media outlets and information is expressed in a different tone or manner. Knowing who your audience is very important. “An example would be at wedding, you would be very delighted to speak of memorial events of the groom and bride with enthusiastic, and charismatic behavior.” Applying analogies and metaphors enforce a major hit within your presentation. While describing a subject it allows you to compare it to something else. When doing so allows the audience’s imagination to flutter adding vivid description to their own experiences if any. The same also applies for narratives. With the encouragement of a sharing a small story entices the listener and can bring language to life.

            Still having some trouble finding your resolve for creating a presentation? Constructing a presentation can be a hurdle, but we all have been there. Since the ages of time when public speaking came about humanity, “Roots of Rhetoric” is a vanguard leading demonstration for any oratory practice. Configuration of invention, organization, and style, has been applied in all aspects of presentation and speeches, and you can perform it too. Invention is the original focus for who our audience is, what they want to hear and is directed at their interest. Ensure to insist on applying ethos, logos, and pathos, the three essential rhetorical appeals which will continue to retain the listener’s focus. Organization is more than just the building blocks of the presentation, but the bolts to the heavy main topics which supports its message. Always ensure to carefully arrange your topic so the message is delivered appropriately. The focal point must never be forgotten and always elaborated upon. The conclusion is to be the final interjection re-emphasizing the presentation, ensuring the message was received and comprehended. Style is all up to the beholder of who is presenting. For each speaker is unique in their own way. Be sure to present in a manner you are comfortable in and express the message for which the setting you are in. “At the end of the day you are a rockstar without heavy metal so obtain a encore of your message being repeated and understood”.


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