Better World Citizen


 "Becoming A World Better Citizen"

“Class, our next project is going to be a presentation on how to become the world’s best citizen!” said Professor Sinkoff. “Hearing those words became the catalyst my brain needed to construct an idea with my group, to provide the answer to her question”. Conversing amongst ourselves, we divided the class into three groups, and I became part of “Group 1” enabling us to share our ideas. There was a plethora of times when we debated against another’s suggestion until we consolidated upon “Respect”. Our groups subtopics were “Ideals & Upbringings”, “Race”, and “Sexuality”.  It was two-three members per subtopic and the information shared was to be displayed amongst another class as our audience. “Mrs.Sinkoff are you trying to put butterflies in the class’s stomach!?” “No. I’m sure she wouldn’t (or would she?), then again, this class is about public speaking”. The day of the presentation was remarkable, it was delightful to see the ideas and creativity crafted amongst my peers. The audience was kept alert as we asked questions and informed using ethos, logos, and pathos in our presentation. I enjoyed speaking about the topic I picked, it made me become more attentive to the actions I may do to people and instead of using my emotions to control a situation, utilize my brain to control the situation with character. “Respect constructs the foundation of mutual conduct for the regard of others and their ideals. It's the recognition of their value and importance as a person.” I later went on to express my key points, “Credibility”,” Ethics vs Morals”, and “Constructing Unity”.

                “Credibility” is the state of being trusted in and how it applies to respect in almost every category of becoming a better world citizen. It ensures that you can be able to express information diligently, concise, and clearly.” Credibility speaks for your work, confidence, and experience as they have been recognized. “Ethics vs Morals” was the foundation of where my ideas for this project began, I wanted to introduce highlights upon a topic we can relate to. Everyone will always misjudge someone, something, or the value of traditions or what a subject may be. It’s here I elaborated upon the fact that we should have a universal outlook of the intake vs what we hear, or stereotypes. Sometimes, it is our own morals which prevent us from understanding a goal or an ideal. I believe war is the reason why these things occur, because were unable to become congruent in an argument and find peace or reasonable grounds. I learned from experience, that when you begin to change the way, you look at things, the things you look at begin to change. Of the three points I talked about, I would have to express “Constructing Unity” as the pinnacle of my presentation. No matter where you are in the world, there will be people different than you. We all come in a variety of characters even if were twins or more. The purpose of this bullet was to fortify the understanding of what it means to be human. Daily, we forget what it means to express joy, affection, care and understanding for one another due to life’s equal share of giving out hurdles to overcome. As citizens, we learn, grow, and share our experiences to fortify our unity. Communication is more than the understanding of words, but also feelings, ideals, and experiences.


    As I watched and listened to my peers express their words and ideology, I comprehended a variety of knowledge where some may be new, rhetorical, and cliché, but it was delightful to hear. ‘Group 2” made some astonishing facts with their presentation, as they conducted their research upon culture and its foods. Throughout their presentation, I believe they got the attention they were seeking, captivating our eyes and stomach hoping to eat what was expressed to us. Their presentation’s creativity was majestic, expressed with color and craft, allowing each member of their group to tackle their slides with information structured. This public speaking class has been a huge whirl of events as I have been looking forward to taking it. Each day we enter the atmosphere to learn something more about ourselves and enhance our public speaking. Some of us may be shy, others are confident, whilst others may need more improvement, but it has been nothing, but gratitude expressed for our work.

         Then there was Group 3, I like to call them the “Home Striders “as they are the ones to bring the finale to entire presentation. They conducted their research upon “community”. Global citizens were their target approach, informing the audience of methods to apply and consider becoming a world better citizen. I like their expression of volunteering. Volunteering acts create an atmosphere of wanting personnel, who care to assist an objective for their community. Cliché areas such as churches, homeless shelters, and school clubs were mentioned, but they provided highlights, which entices the attention that you are volunteering as a selfless act in within your character. This group made it cool to show that you are changing a topic, because you’re doing something about it. Efforts are never wasted in vain when it comes to community services, because it will create an effect over time, constructing new sources and ideas to awaken their community. 

                Daily, I pray and ask God to seek efforts in him to provide myself with knowledge like this. I am humbled by my classroom, taking their time to research their information. Even though this may be an assignment it was worth expressing. Daily, we are more focused upon our dreams, ambitions, and essentials. Congregating the information from students in school correlates on how we can become a world better citizen, as multiple people from different backgrounds and regions come along to seek the same common goal, education. “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. History is in our reflections.” “Today as I am writing this blog, I shall remember the information from my peers, as public speaking isn’t just information stated or regurgitated but, its mission is to impact and gradually distill its effect within our character.”



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