Reflection Essay On How to Be a Better World Citizen. Celeny Echevarria

How to Be a Better World Citizen by Celeny Echevarria In this assignment, we have to reflect on the last presentation the class did, which was about how to become a better world citizen. First, we have to establish the definition of what it is to become a better world citizen. The definition can mean many different things to everyone. A better global citizen is aware of and understands the world around them and their place in it. They are a citizen of the world and want to bring as much understanding, love, and kindness. They take an active role in their community and work with others to make the world more peaceful, sustainable, and fairer. In this case, my group chose the topic of respect in order to describe what it really means to be a better world citizen. We were group one meaning we had to present first and have our information ready to go. My group is very easy to work with because we communicate constantly and divided the work equal...