Reflection: on how to be a better world citizen


Reflection on Becoming a Better World Citizen

Celeste Fernandez

In order to become a more global citizen, classmates and I were asked to deliberate between how we can improve ourselves as individuals. Four our second project, we were assigned talking points as a class and asked how being a better citizen involves having responsibility and respect. We explained how respect has a lot to do with just being an overall better person. Essential ideas from classmates were brought up and discussed. Being a good citizen involved upholding certain values most importantly those of honor, integrity, and accountability. One must accept the fact that not everyone will agree or relate to your beliefs. Being respectful of others beliefs and expressions is also important. This includes letting them express themselves through their language, clothes, and style. One of the main factors that contributes to racial inequality is the way people categorize people based on their appearance. Even though this issue has been around for a long time, it still persists. I think that group ones message was a great example of this topic because it talked about important topics such as sexual health and how to respect others. Learning how to respect others opinions, beliefs, and statements is very important in order to build a more welcoming and cooperative society. In group 1, the presentation made by its members was very detailed and precise.

The second topic of study for group 2 was global culture. I was amazed by how many different types of food were available in different countries. I also learned that some of these are prepared and served differently in each region. I would like to try some of those amazing meals mentioned some day. South Americas cuisine is influenced by various factors such as its history, culture and geography. It is very important to practice good food citizenship by buying locally grown and cooking with others. Group two also mentioned various interesting and eye opening topics on religion. Throughout this presentation, I was able to study and learn about various religions that people in Europe and Asia practice. One of my favorite  aspects to learn about after reviewing the presentation was how the group used images and very little words to depict their points. They also exhibited a lot of knowledge about their subject through conversation and detail. The presentation and delivery itself were very interesting to learn about secondhand.                                                       

Group three was focused on teenagers and children. While they can give back to the community in various ways, it is the younger generation that is in charge right now. Young adults are the only ones who are capable of understanding how to use all of the new technologies. The economy and taking care of yourself  are two of the most important factors that millennials need to learn in order to become a more global citizens. They can help by volunteering at various places such as libraries, dog parks, and tutoring centers. Young adults are responsible for the future, so they should also be taught about the bad and good in order to mentor them. Similar to young people, the elderly in society experience various stressors, such as financial worries and decreased mobility . They also need to seek healthcare and make arrangements for their final days. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the hardships that this population goes through. In the modern world, elders should not have to worry about their basic needs, yet they must face these issues on a regularly basis. The group also discussed various other issues such as mental health treatment and disability. According to a report, it can take up to 11 years for a patient to receive therapy after they have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. In the US, mental health is regarded as one of the leading causes of death. It is heartbreaking to see how few people are aware of the struggles that people with mental health conditions go through. They often face discrimination because of their condition. Similar to people with disabilities, individuals with mental health issues also face prejudice. Through this presentation, I was able to make a list of all the things that I would add to my daily routine. It also taught me how important it is to raise awareness of various issues, such as mental health and disabilities. Due to the prevalence of negative comments about people with mental health conditions, many individuals are not aware of the challenges that people with disabilities face.


After these presentations, I am confident there is a clear path of how to become not only a better citizen but and overall better person !


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