Ashley Cascante post #1

  My experience for the second assignment

For the second-class assignment we were required to develop a presentation pertaining to chapters one through four in introduction to public speaking. The fact that I had to collaborate with my classmates in a group environment made this task for class difficult. I've always found it challenging to collaborate with folks I haven't known for a long usually not a person that works with others well because I’m a little bit of what people like to call a control freak. Sometimes I’m even a procrastinator but it’s just because I work well under pressure. I believed that everyone knew their roles and that there was little to no uncertainty over the assignment itself, despite the fact that it was relatively difficult for many of us to keep clear communication. There were times when I felt that since everything was so well presented, my colleagues and I did not need to speak about what the assignment entailed and how we were supposed to present it. But within itself this assignment was pretty self-explanatory and easily achievable. 



Group 1

To start off, the first group presentation was group one. I was part of group one and I was responsible for the last five pages of chapter four in the book. In group one we were in charge of gathering information and presenting information learned from chapters one through four of the book "ISpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life. In these chapters, we learned spoke and wrote about several topics. 


The topics that were spoken in chapters one through four:How to reduce the fear of presenting and public speaking, The reasons public speaking is a unique form of communication, That people have always used public speaking. As a society, we still give speeches often and will continue to do so.The topics should we avoid speaking on when giving our speeches, How to become an effective speaker, That there are a variety of reasons to study public speaking, What we should avoid doing when giving a presentation, That public speaking excites the public.


We all in this group had a brief discussion on who would take on whose responsibilities from the aforementioned bullet my personal opinion, we did an excellent job of outlining the arguments, defining each topic and delivering the information the class. I was in charge of making presentations on four different parts of my pages. I talked about adapting to the audience, becoming a better listener, ethics and the audience, and the importance of listening Peers focused on the benefits of studying public speaking and the best practices for speaking well. They discussed the necessity of speakers' guarantees.


Group 2

Group two was the next group, and it provided a lot of useful information. The presentations were brief yet jam-packed with information. Their information was very clear and concise. I would say that I gained great knowledge from this particular group. They had to talk about and present material from chapters five through nine.


The topics that were spoken about in chapters 5-9:Research for presenting, Outlines and introduction to presentations, Delivering the speech, Use of language, Visual and sensory aid


This group's members talked with assurance, making it clear how well-prepared they were to deliver their presentations to the class. Before giving a speech to an audience, preparation is broken down into steps by the presenters. Additionally, you can find materials for your speech in the form of videos, articles, books, or even your own personal anecdotes. This had a significant influence on me personally because preparation for giving presentations is an area where I frequently falter. Since I had to deliver my very first presentation, I've always found it difficult to get across the message I intended to imprint on my audience since I get the slightest bit anxious when speaking informant of a croud. I learned from their presentation that if I were to prepare before giving my speech and really understand the subject I would be discussing, I would no longer experience those situations.


Group 3


The third group, which was in charge of chapters ten through twelve, was the final one to present in class. This group chatted freely and provided information as well. They were direct and provided numerous examples to support their points. The presenters appeared knowledgeable and assured as they spoke to the audience.


The topics that were spoken about in chapters ten though twelve:Purpose of different type of speeches, Persuasive speaking,Special occasion presentations

I can definitely use what I learnt from this group to assist me in my upcoming responsibilities. For instance, they were able to educate me on the components of a persuasive speech when I had no idea what a persuasive speech entailed. They also discussed a couple of other kinds of speeches, such as informational talks, which are meant to pique the interest of the audience in the subject being discussed. I'll be sure to refer back to their presentation in order to prepare for any future of my next persuasive writing project.


In all I fell that I learned a great deal in their presentations not just information but helpful tips for future reference. This class is going to be such a great experience and a great learning tool not only because of the information but because of the professor she is very attempt and clearly knows what she’s doing.


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