Reflection on Better World Citizens

                                                 Adrian Hernandez Reflection on Class Presentation

  • My Experience Creating And Working With My Group Members 

For our third class assignment,  we were assigned to create a group presentation on how to become a better world citizen. As I have previously stated, presenting has never been a strong suit of mine, but after repeated practice in public speaking for this presentation. While presenting with my group, I felt confident and well-prepared. Though I prefer to work individually in order to ensure my assignments are properly completed and to avoid a group member not being able to complete their part of the assignment.  My group project experience studying “Respect” was well organized, and I would say it was well done. For having twelve members of my group divide the work for our google doc slide by having each student create their own slide then on presentation day each student would present the slide they completed. Unlike last time, I had no constructive criticism about the lack of communication, which I believe has been resolved. During the discussion of which topic would be assigned to my group members, we all took a step back and discussed each one. I felt this step helped each group member have a better understanding of what information they needed for their slide. Overall, I had an enjoyable experience and had the opportunity to get to know some of my classmates. Learning on MDC Live can make connecting with classmates difficult when not working in a group environment.

  • The Information Presented 

The first PowerPoint slide presented was my group consisting of twelve members. Each student explained a different aspect of how to become a better world citizen focusing on the aspect of respect.

Our group began by covering the importance of respecting someone's upbringing. Within this slide, respectful communication skills were discussed like Practicing politeness, and courtesy, listening graciously, avoiding negativity, talking to people, and treating people equally. The next important factor was understanding race and culture. As stated in my group's presentation race can be defined as any one of the groups that humans are often divided into based on physical traits regarded as common among people of shared ancestry. My group found it virtual to discuss race due to the recent racial bias in the criminal justice field. We have seen and heard of many cases where African Americans have suffered at the hands of White officers thus this slide was essential to include. Following this information my group covered sexuality. Clearly explaining how all people are entitled to the core human rights of equality and freedom from discrimination. Because the virtual component of who you are is based on your sexuality which is diverse and personal only to you. My group member further discussed the topic explaining how judgment about an individual's sexuality is wrong due to the number of variables that might affect someone's mental and physical health. A general overview of how to respect someone was presented by my group members.

Furthermore, Group two covered cultures around the world and began their presentation by showing the different types of foods in every culture. For instance, they discussed foods from Europe such as Pizza, Paella, Cheese fondue, Waffles, and Gyros. All the different types of foods looked very delicious and many I have tried. The presentation quickly caught my attention when she explained how pizza originated in Italy. The presenter further explained who created pizza and how pizza quickly became a worldwide favorite food after the hamburger. Further, explain each food creator and where it developed. Next group two covered foods in Asia explaining foods such as Curry Rice, Adobo, Peking Duck, and Bibimbap. Explaining despite the common belief that in Japan sushi is the number one food dish this is far from correct actually in Japan Curry Rice is the most common food made there. Following this dish, she explained Adobo which originated from the Philippines and is most popular for its cooked meat which is marinated. The next presenter discussed different foods in Africa like Sorghum soup, Matoke, and Ugali. During this group's presentation, I found myself getting very hungry but also fascinated by all the different food dishes. I am fair from a chief but would love to learn about cooking all these dishes from different cultures. After discussing the different types of foods in Africa the next speaker spoke about traditional Australian foods. Such as Pavlova, Roast Lamb, and Fish and Chips. The speaker discussed how Australia contains many sweet food dishes and even provided her own experiences trying these dishes and had only positive things to say. The next presentation spoke about foods in North and South America. She explained how American food consists of many different cultures each one brings its own culinary traditions. As for South America, its country has its own unique cuisine that was shaped by its histories like its geography and culture. Group two furthered their presentation by explaining how to become a good food citizen which they stated eas by choosing local food first, buying direct food from farmers, cooking, and sharing your food traditions. I found this information to be very interesting and I will be taking note of this information in hopes of spreading my food traditions. The next important topic this group discussed was the Asian religion. Now I know that the Asian religion is one of the world's main religions, in addition to hundreds of minor ones, which originated in Asia. And Asia is one of the biggest continents, therefore, a major diversity of cultures is located there. Overall group two did an excellent job of explaining culture and religion by providing real-world examples.

Finally, group three covered community and spreading awareness they began their presentations by explaining the types of global citizens. Global citizens realize their abilities to help others and make the world a better place. To be a global citizen first you have to be an informed citizen and spread awareness if you’re unable to volunteer. They then brought up the struggles of a high school student like their future, what meals are they going to eat, tests, fitting in, and their grades. They mentioned how sometimes there are some helping hands like tutoring, shelter, clubs, and volunteering but sometimes there are no helping hands, and the best way to help a child with struggles like those would be to spread awareness.

  • Retaining Information

I felt this assignment to create a reflection of each group presentation on being a better world citizen was very beneficial. Reviewing each student's work help me retain the information better. Now I am able to become a better world citizen and help others become one too.


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