
Reflection Essay On How to Be a Better World Citizen. Celeny Echevarria

How to Be a Better World Citizen by Celeny Echevarria            In this assignment, we have to reflect on the last presentation the class did, which was about how to become a better world citizen. First, we have to establish the definition of what it is to become a better world citizen. The definition can mean many different things to everyone. A better global citizen is aware of and understands the world around them and their place in it. They are a citizen of the world and want to bring as much understanding, love, and kindness. They take an active role in their community and work with others to make the world more peaceful, sustainable, and fairer. In this case, my group chose the topic of respect in order to describe what it really means to be a better world citizen. We were group one meaning we had to present first and have our information ready to go. My group is very easy to work with because we communicate constantly and divided the work equally so that everyone has an opportu

Reflection: on how to be a better world citizen

    Reflection on Becoming a Better World Citizen Celeste Fernandez In order to become a more global citizen, classmates and I were asked to deliberate between how we can improve ourselves as individuals. Four our second project, we were assigned talking points as a class and asked how being a better citizen involves having responsibility and respect. We explained how respect has a lot to do with just being an overall better person. Essential ideas from classmates were brought up and discussed. Being a good citizen involved upholding certain values most importantly those of honor, integrity, and accountability. One must accept the fact that not everyone will agree or relate to your beliefs. Being respectful of others beliefs and expressions is also important. This includes letting them express themselves through their language, clothes, and style. One of the main factors that contributes to racial inequality is the way people categorize people based on their appearance. Even though thi

How To Become A Better World Citizen

 How To Become A Better World Citizen  Group 1 For the third-class assignment we were required to develop a presentation pertaining to "HOW TO BECO ME A BETTER WROLD CITIZEN". I had to discuss significant issues and explain how respect and accountability are just two of the many qualities that go along with being a better citizen. Group 1 and I concentrated on respect. The amazing fundamental concepts that follow are what I took away from my classmates' slides. To become a better global citizen, you must uphold certain principles including respect, honesty, honor, and accountability. One's upbringing can be shown in how one respects and acknowledges others. It's important to understand and accept that not everyone will agree with or support your opinions. Respecting how other people express themselves, whether it be through their choice of attire, language, or manner of carrying themselves, is as important to you as it is to them. Race is an important consideratio

Reflection on Better world Citizen Ashley Dominguez

                             How can we advance as global citizens? In relation to the assignment that was assigned to us, this is a question that I and my classmates had to pose to ourselves. For the second project in speech class, I had to touch on important topics and describe how having responsibility and respect are only two of the many traits that go hand in hand with being a better citizen. Group 1 and I concentrated on respect. I gleaned the following incredible essential ideas from my classmates' slides. You need to uphold certain values like respect, integrity, honor, and accountability to improve as a global citizen. Respecting and recognizing others is a reflection of one's upbringing. It's crucial to recognize and accept the fact that not everyone will share your beliefs or support them. Just as essential to you as it is to them is respecting how other people express themselves, whether it be through their choice of clothing, language, or style of carrying them

Better World Citizen

    "Becoming A World Better Citizen" “Class, our next project is going to be a presentation on how to become the world’s best citizen!” said Professor Sinkoff. “Hearing those words became the catalyst my brain needed to construct an idea with my group, to provide the answer to her question”. Conversing amongst ourselves, we divided the class into three groups, and I became part of “Group 1” enabling us to share our ideas. There was a plethora of times when we debated against another’s suggestion until we consolidated upon “ Respect” . Our groups subtopics were  “Ideals & Upbringings” ,   “Race” ,  and  “Sexuality” .  It was two-three members per subtopic and the information shared was to be displayed amongst another class as our audience. “Mrs.Sinkoff are you trying to put butterflies in the class’s stomach!?” “No. I’m sure she wouldn’t (or would she?), then again, this class is about public speaking”. The day of the presentation was remarkable, it was delightful to see

Reflection on Better World Citizens

                                                  Adrian Hernandez Reflection on Class Presentation My Experience Creating And Working With My Group Members  For our third class assignment,  we were assigned to create a group presentation on how to become a better world citizen. As I have previously stated, presenting has never been a strong suit of mine, but after repeated practice in public speaking for this presentation. While presenting with my group, I felt confident and well-prepared. Though I prefer to work individually in order to ensure my assignments are properly completed and to avoid a group member not being able to complete their part of the assignment.  My group project experience studying “Respect” was well organized, and I would say it was well done. For having twelve members of my group divide the work for our google doc slide by having each student create their own slide then on presentation day each student would present the slide they completed. Unlike last time, I
Blogging for reflection Nov 27, 2022 Bryan Rojo’s reflection on the class presentation My experience The topic for the class presentation was how we as people can become better world class citizens. The group that I am in is group one for this presentation. There were many discussions that we had before we were able to all settle with our topics because of how many different ways we can change things in our lifestyles to make us a better world class citizen. The topic that obtained my attention was being respectful of each and everyone’s ideologies and upbringing. The reason why this topic for me is so crucial is because so many things happen around the world that could’ve been avoided with simply knowing and respecting other ideologies and upbringing. This presentation was one that I was very much looking forward to since of all the events leading up to it. Unfortunately, the day of the presentation I had just left work and was stuck in the never ending dreadful traffic that the Palme